
When Planning Your Event...

Book Your Venue Early

When planning your event, it's best to book the venue in the very early stages. There are many details in your event that will depend on the venue and amenities available at the location.

Among other things, your venue may affect:

  • Sound requirements
  • Lighting needs
  • Photography angles
  • Transportation
  • Number of guests

It's important to select a venue that can accommodate your needs in these areas, or offer alternative arrangements, if needed.

Lake at Cedar Hill offers outdoor and indoor seating. This is important, should the weather shift. A solely outdoor venue may not be as flexible. An indoor-only venue won't have the beautiful views and outdoor seating for a comfortable evening. We believe Lake at Cedar Hill offers the best of both options and flexibility when small changes arise.

Although our calendar may be able to accommodate a couple of weeks notice, we recommend booking several months out to be sure your date is free.